THUNDER Imager is a wide-field microscope that allows high-speed and high-quality 3D exploration of whole organisms, tissues, or cells. It features "Computational Clearing," which eliminates out-of-focus blur and enables shading correction. The microscope offers an environmental enclosure (temperature, humidity, and CO2 control), as well as an auto-focus to maintain samples at the focal plane over time. In addition, the instruments' “Spiral” option offers efficient tile scan imaging. Applications:
Operating software: Leica LAS X Software Location: Longwood Center Basement Rm 1055D Contact person: Paul Speliakos
Zeiss 980 Confocal/Spectral/Airyscan
The LSM 980 microscope is a fully automated multimodal microscope that can be used for confocal, and spectral imaging. It is equipped with a unique AI Sampler Finder System. The Airyscan detector enables super-resolution and high-speed imaging. The LSM 980 is also equipped with Near-IR detectors that expand imaging spectra from UV to NIR. Applications:
Confocal imaging
Spectral imaging with linear unmixing
Super-resolution imaging with resolution up to 90 nm using Airyscan
Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)
Tile scan
5x air
10x air
20x air
25x multi-immersion (water, silicone oil, glycerin, oil) objective with 0.57 mm working distance
Near-IR detectors (Filter set 8 deep red 640 +730 nm f/NIR and filer set 9 deep read 730 f/NIR)
Slide holder types:
Scanning Stage (with Z-piezo)
Operating software: Zen Software Location: Longwood Center Basement Rm 1055E Contact person: Dr. Kun Huang
Akoya PhenoCycler (CODEX) coupled with ZEISS Axio Observer 7
CODEX is a fast, unbiased, and highly-multiplexed imager for protein targets. It allows the phenotyping of millions of cells in complex tissue or environment as a single intact tissue section. Pushing the frontiers of spatial biology, our team offers services from tissue staining, to imaging, to machine-learning based cell segmentation and analysis. Instrument:
PhenoCycler (formerly CODEX) perfusion system
ZEISS Axio Observer with Colibri 7 LED light Source
Operating software: Zen Software, Akoya Software Location: Longwood Center Basement Rm 1055C Contact person: Dr. Kun Huang
Image Analysis HP Workstation
The HP workstation offers high-computing power for fast 3D reconstruction, image quantification and segmentation. Software installed:
Zen desk (full version module)
Fiji (ImageJ)
CellProfiler (with CellPose and StarDist)
CODEX processor
10x Genomics Xenium Analyzer
Xenium analyzer is a highly-multiplexed and sensitive imaging platform for RNA targets. It allows profiling transcriptome at single-cell and sub-cellular resolution. Objectives:
20x water
Sample type: FFPE or Fresh Frozen of both mouse and human Available Panels: 10x Genomics Panels with customized add-on options Operating software: Xenium Ranger, Xenium Analyzer Location: Longwood Center Basement Rm 1055C Contact person: Dr. Kun Huang